Sponsor Me for Blog-a-thon!

Friday, July 29, 2005

I got $10 already!

OK so I pledged the first 10 bucks. The Planetary Society is getting donations whether they like it or not. :)

A little bit more about them:
I found out about The Planetary Society because I was running the SETI@home program. I'm not a member but I've been meaning to donate or join but you know how that is. This event is the perfect excuse for me. Not only do I get to assault yous with my mind-numbing grammatical boo- boos and talk crap about the latest in sci-fi tv and news but I get to do so for a cause that's dear to my heart.

But wait, there's more... For $19.99 you can get... nah just kidding.

The Planetary Society is the largest non-profit, non-governmental space advocacy group on Earth. They sound like a bunch of space cowboys don't they. Here's an excerpt from the site.
At The Planetary Society we make exciting projects happen, including SETI@home, the Mars Balloon, Extra-Solar Planet discovery, and more. Only with our Members' support are we able to encourage and undertake bold ventures to advance humankind's quest for knowledge about the cosmos. You can play a personal role in this great adventure.

The Planetary Society -- the largest ( 100,000 plus members in 140 countries) and most influential space-interest organization in the world -- has proved again and again that a private membership organization can play a major role in space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life.

More about Blogathon:
They don't handle the donation money AT ALL. All they do is provide a link to donation page of the charity that you are donating to. This way, you know for sure that your money is going where you want it to go.

More Info

I'm going to post Blog-a-thon posts on the blog you see here.

I've already regisitered to blog for The Planetary Society. I just sent them an email letting them know that all proceeds will go to them.

By the way, here is a link to my regular blog.
SciFi Ranter Girl

Blog-a-thon: SciFiRanter Girl for Charity

SciFi Ranter Girl's Blog-a-thon Campaign Page

After you've registered and logged in, you go directly to the page above and pledge.