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Saturday, August 06, 2005

#21 SciFi Countdown: The Cape

The Cape
"The Cape' explores the daily lives of current-day NASA astronauts, astronauts in training (ASCANs) and support personnel. In the pilot, the Russians have lost radio contact with one of their nuclear-powered spy satellites. This satellite threatens the Eastern Seaboard of the United States when its orbit degrades. A Space Shuttle mission, which includes a Russian cosmonaut, is deployed to prevent the spy satellite from de-orbiting."
Anyone remember this one?
It starred Adam Baldwin. I used to catch this one on late at night. This show was somewhat realistic which made it enjoyable. The first episode of Farscape reminded me of this show. It was really educational and kinda too smart for it's time which is why it only lasted a season. SciFi Channel could get away with re-runs of this show now that Firefly is doing well and the president is taking interest in the missions.


At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never even heard of this show. What year did it come out? I'm curious now. And, I love Adam Baldwin.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger scifirantergirl said...


I haven't met anyone who's caught this one.


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