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Saturday, August 06, 2005

#20 SciFi Countdown: Gene Roddenbery's Earth: Final Conflict

I know... for shame but I watched every single episode and it gets mentioned because of Gene Roddenberry. The first season was beautiful. It had so much hope and promise. The special effects were stellar, the storyline was compelling. After the first season, the show started to fall apart. We lost William Boone only to get him back in the last season only to have him die again. We loose William Boone's replacement Liam Kincaid who was grown in one day only to be "ascended" a few seasons later only to be resurrected in the last season. The lead switches from male leads to a female lead, Renee Palmer and her side kick Street. They had a faux Xena/Gabrielle thing going on.
The Taelons die off, the Jaridians do something and everyone is replaced by the Atavus. These guys had to be the worst aliens in science fiction history.

I bet you are wondering why I put this show on my list if I hate it so much. THE SHOW SURVIVED 5 YEARS!!! This is longer than Enterp.... wait, I can't talk about that. The killer part is that this show's special effects could rival some of the shows today. Yes I typed that with a straight face. The minor characters Augur and Sandoval were the best characters and outlived the "main" characters. I truly think they could have squeezed out 1 more good season if they would have given Sandoval a change of heart.

Gene Roddenbery's Earth: Final Conflict
I always loved the name of the Earth: Final Conflict Store - The Sto'or
The also went all out on building subsites for the show but guess what? They are all 404ed. Damn shame, they were actually kinda cool when they were up. I wonder if anyone has mirrors.
FC Universe: Index
» EFC History

Show Sites:
» AtavusWatch
» Augur
» Doors International
» Flat Planet Cafe
» Jaridians
» Resistance
» Taelons


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